TQCC caps were previously presented to members who
completed five out of the ten Select Sportives during the year.
Rather than not award
caps in 2020, the Committee wish to acknowledge those
‘pandemic peddlers’ who put the miles in.
To earn a 2020 cap, you can nominate one of your cycling friends
or yourself. Just send your nomination to
[email protected]
Title the e-mail “2020 Cap” with the category you wish to enter.
For example, 2020 Cap – Duracell Bunny.
We hope to make the presentations before Christmas, at a
virtual event. Please submit your nominations before Saturday
31st October.
The categories are:
Duracell Bunny Longest ride distance per activity
Wanderer Longest total ride distance for 2020 (up to 31st
Polka Dot Jersey Most climbing elevation per activity
Mountain Goat Most total climbing elevation for 2020 (up to 31st
October )
Living Room Legend Longest Virtual Ride
Chued Personal Achievements e.g. PR. QOM/KPM, local
legend, first long ride etc
Stravartist Most unique route on Strava
Staycationist Best NI Cycling Photo
Nice Tan Best cycling holiday photo
Linguist Best strava ride title
For the many, not the few:
Members will be awarded a TQCC cap for taking a ‘selfie’ at no less than five of
the following locations:
// St John Point Lighthouse // Newcastle // Strangford Ferry // Montalto //
The top of Slieve Croob // Torr Head // Spelga // Horatios (only one!!) //
Divis // Nendrum // Little Eddie’s.
If you think you are in contention to win a TQCC cap, please let us know by
Saturday 31
st October and submit your selfies by the 30
th November
Clarification on TQCC caps for 2020:
Following a number of queries the committee wish to clarify that in relation to “selfies” for our 2020 cap; these can be from any ride in 2020, not simply from date of Team Brief issue. And if you didn’t take a selfie, a photo of your ride from Strava is also fine. 😃 In addition we have added 3 additional locations , namely Eden, Clotworthy and Georgian.
Could we ask that , as detailed in the Team Brief, please let us know if you are in “contention “ for a Cap by 31st October, and then submit your pictures by us by the end of November, so that we can get these ordered and delivered to you by the end of 2020. Thanks